Description based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Operating Company Pioneer Ace Airlines Inc.
Representative Officer Makoto Taguchi
Address 5th Floor, Haneda Maintenance Center
1-8-2 Haneda Airport
Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0041, Japan
E-mail Address
TEL 03-6773-5039
Telephone Reception Hours 9:00AM to 6:00PM
Sales Price Refer to the pricing simulation page
Delivery Time At the time of boarding
Payment Method Credit card payment, Bank transfer
Other Necessary Fees None
Cancellation Policy In the event of cancellation of the contract of Carriage for the convenience of a bank transfer Passenger or Lessee, a refund of fares and charges shall be made.
In the event that some passengers on a flight decide not to board, No refund will be made.
Cancellation Deadline (1) Up to 3-5 days prior to the designated boarding date: 10% of fare
(2) Up to 2 days prior to the day before the designated boarding date: 30% of fare
(3) On the day of boarding: 70% of fare